01 Oct Semptember Newsletter
Dear Students & Parents,
We want to welcome you to Dance from the Hearts 2018-19 season. We are very excited to get our 19th year underway. You will find a term calendar on the back of this sheet. This will tell you when the studio will be closed (please check your dates carefully, as we would not want you to make unnecessary trips). Also, please note that while the studio may be open on Friday nights for private lessons, the desk is not. Consequently, any payments need to be made Mon-Thurs., during business hours.
We want to remind everyone that the tuition is due the first lesson of every month. Unless you have chosen to pay the semester or year rate (info. Can be found at the desk). There is a discount if you decide to do so. Please see the website or the desk for exact prices. Some of you still owe a registration fee of: $20.00 for new students & $10.00 for returning students. If you aren’t sure if you owe this, please check at the desk. Due to continued problems with late payments, we are enforcing a $15.00 a week late charge on bills not paid on time. We are also enforcing a $25.00 charge on all bounced checks. We appreciate your cooperation with this matter.
We want to remind everyone that besides Hip Hop classes, all students must be in dancewear during their lessons. All teachers are strictly enforcing this for their own safety with spotting tricks and correction their students properly. Please remember that this is a dance studio and the children need to learn in the correct attire. Thank you.
As the year gets underway, changes of classes and students may be made. It will take us a good month to organize where everyone belongs, so please be patient. Also new to the studio this year, you will find a “feedback/suggestions” form at the desk. Here you may voice any concerns or questions you may have to the teacher directly. There isn’t always time for a teacher to talk to you before, during or after class. So we hope this will allow for better communication across the board.
We want you to enjoy our convenient facility, but we need your help to keep it clean. Please do not have any beverages in the carpeted area. Also, if you are finished at the tables after eating, it is your responsibility to clean up. We would really appreciate your cooperation with all of this.
We are now, also available on Facebook.
We want to you remind you of our “open door policy.” We are here to assist you in any way that we can. We look forward to a funfilled year of dancing
Thank you. Addie & the staff at Dance from the Heart.
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