
What competition means to me…

I, as a competitive dancer myself for 15 years have a very strong opinion about what competitive dancing should be. I try to instill in my students the “love of dance”, no matter who they are dancing in front of, judges, their parents, or their friends. My goal is not to make them Broadway superstars through the glitz of competition. But to make them feel like superstars in life. The confidence and teamwork I strive for them to achieve far outweighs any awards or trophies they may win. Competition, to me, is meeting new people, trying your best, supporting others, and working towards making yourself a better person as well as a better dancer. The memories and friendships you make along the way will last forever. It’s about being kind and generous to others and in the process, feeling great about yourself.


What competition dancing entails…

  1. A commitment to at least four out of town competitions. They fall between the 1st of March and the 14th of May. They are always within a two to three hour driving distance. The cost for each competition ranges from $20.00 – $30.00 per child, per dance.
  2. Costume prices may vary from $50.00 – $70.00 per dance outfit. This does not include tights and accessories, such as gloves or headpieces.
  3. Shoe purchases are required at the start of the fall season. Depending on their dances, different shoes may be needed each year. Recycled shoes are always an option, and can be a huge money saver.

Rules & Regulations

  1. No unnecessary absences or tardiness allowed.
  2. Black leotard and suntan tights at all times.
  3. Hair up at all times.
  4. No gum chewing.

Extra competition fun…

  1. Studio sleepover: A week or two before the first competition the entire team sleeps over night at the studio. Games, food, and dancing make for a fun night. but they also learn behavior and attitudes that are expected of them as they embark on their competition season.
  2. Competition Picnic: After the competitions have ended, and the recital is over, we let loose at our end of the year picnic. Swimming, games, water balloons and trampoline jumping add to the fun. Special awards and trophies are given out, not for their dancing, but for personal attributes like being a hard worker, or a supportive friend.

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